School Information
Monique C. Lee
Phone: 770-903-3400
School Hours
7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Student Hours
7:45 AM – 2:45 PM
Student Dismissal – 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Before Care Hours:
6:30 AM – 7:45 AM
After Care Hours:
2:45 PM – 6:00 PM
School Tours
We are a Gwinnett County Public Theme Elementary School! Visit us to see and learn about our facilities, curriculum, scholars, and excellent school community. Registration is now available for new students. Brenda Scott is available daily to assist with registration. We request that you make an appointment, so we can best serve you. Please call NMAPA at 770-414-2403 to make an appointment.
For information about registration for enrollment, or click here to email Brenda Scott.
Dear NMAPA Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so pleased to have our NMAPA Scholars back in the building! Our theme this year is, "Learning and Growing Together, Team NMAPA," because it takes all of us working together as a TEAM to ensure that our students are successful. As a school community, we know that we are stronger and better when we work together to help our students learn and become great leaders and citizens. We have welcomed another cohort of talented and caring new staff members who have joined with our returning staff to make a huge difference in our school culture and experience for all.
This year we will continue to collaborate on each grade level and across the school to make instructional decisions that will have the greatest impact for our students. In addition, our Specials/Arts teachers are collaborating with our grade level teachers to integrate curriculum and performing arts in ways that address the unique needs and interests of every student. We are also working together to ensure that all our students feel a sense of belonging, significance, and joy at our school. We are excited and thrilled to implement social emotional strategies daily during joyful learning and morning meetings to help our children feel connected and knowledgeable of ways to anchor their feelings. This pathway will allow them to be more prepared for learning. At NMAPA, we work as a team to ensure that we meet our mission, “to intentionally develop confidence, imagination and collaboration in every student.” We are excited to partner with you, our families, because we know how essential that relationship is in providing a positive school experience for our students. Our greatest hope is that your children come home each day excited about school and that they feel loved and appreciated.
We hope you will stay connected and truly feel a part of our school community. There are multiple ways you can stay informed: your child's teacher/Friday folder, our website, our Instagram page, Facebook page, Parent Square and of course, the monthly newsletter, NMAPA Family Connection. All communication from the school will come via Parent Square or be posted on our website and Instagram or Facebook page. Our school-wide calendar will also be linked to our website to keep updated with important dates and/or events. We also have support from our PTO. I encourage you to become a member and volunteer to stay connected. We are always looking for business partners, so please let us know if you are able to support our community.
At NMAPA, where excellence is the expectation, we will always thrive to please. However, if at any time we have fallen short of that, please connect with me if you ever have a question or a concern. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at or 770-903-3400
Yours in leadership,
Monique Lee