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North Metro Academy of Performing Arts engages students in instruction that integrates the academics and performing arts in ways that address the unique needs and interests of each student, while intentionally developing confidence, imagination and collaboration.

Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025 SY

Kindergarten Registration



NMAPA Kindergarten Registration Day: April 25th 10am to 2pm

*If you can, please bring your kindergarten student during registration. 

We're looking forward to welcoming our new kindergarten students in the 2024-25 school year!

WHO: Parents or guardians of rising kindergartnerschildren who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2024.
WHAT: Register your child for the 2024-25 school year in an easy, two-step process.

WHY: Completing online registration will help us be ready to welcome your new kindergartner and make sure your child is eligible for summer enrichment activities.

HOW: Much of the registration process, including the uploading of documents needed for registration, will be completed online. Most document attachments (PDF, JPG, DOC, PNG, etc.) are compatible. The file-size limit is 2 MB. 


Step 1—Complete online registration on the GCPS website. (Go to and click on the New Student Enrollment button.)

Step 2—Upload your required documents with your phone or computer, or bring them to the school. You’ll find a list of required documents on the New Student Enrollment webpage. Check the website of your child’s new school for more information. If you’re not sure which school your child will attend, go to School Locator on the district website.

 ​​​​You should begin online registration now, even if your child’s health records are not up to date. Be sure to complete your child’s health screening and immunizations with the Health Department or your physician before school starts on August 5, 2024.

For more information please visit: Kindergarten Registration - Gwinnett County Public Schools (